Adam Sandler and Kevin James Go Head-to-Head With Pacman, Donkey Kong, & More [VIDEO]

I usually wait until movies are on Blu-Ray or on HBO to see them. I just don't enjoy paying $20 for a movie. If I do go, it's a movie I clamour for, and it's early Sunday to get the half price movie ticket.

And of course, I have a pool of butter (or whatever that is) in my popcorn. 

I wasn't really planning on seeing any movies this year. Maybe Star Wars. But, I saw this movie trailer today, and it looks just ridiculous enough that I think I will have to see it.

Introducing, "Pixels." So, we sent a capsule to space to share our culture and aliens thought we were declaring war. They then return with Pacman, Donkey Kong, and more to destroy us. It is then up to Adam Sandler and Kevin James to save the day. 

Still not sure, but I am a sucker for Adam Sandler movies and things that make me think about playing Atari or Pacman at the Aurelio's Pizza in my hometown.

ORyan tha KANG!
