Did Jamie Foxx Butcher The National Anthem At The Mayweather v Pacquiao Fight? [VIDEO]

I might have been one of the only people who didn't watch the May/Pac fight. Which I've noticed isn't a bad thing based on the comments on the interwebs about how boring it was.

Jamie Foxx got a little attention with his "interesting" rendition of the National Anthem. 

I noticed he took his ear-piece out, so maybe there were some issues going into it. 

And what's the deal with the organ randomly playing in the back ground? It's bizarre.

Note to anyone singing the National Anthem: JUST SING THE SONG! You don't need to get cute. You can maybe change a note or two to showcase your talent, but when you do too much you can ruin the song and make yourself look like a fool with your pants on the ground.

ORyan tha KANG!
