Um, I think it’s raining in the studio this morning. Seriously, the last thing I ever expected to do was wake up and try to fight back tears. This video is pretty powerful.
Becoming a dad has completely changed my life. Every moment I am not with my son all I can think about is getting home to be with him. His laugh is worth more to me than any paycheck! I just can’t believe how much I love my little man. So when I saw this video, the dad in me really swelled with pride.
I am so proud of my baby boy. He is starting to walk. Just yesterday, he was looking at me and I could tell that he is becoming a person. And that he knows who I am. He hit his head on a toy, started crying, and when I picked him up he instantly hugged me. He will be a future leader who will help change the world for the better. I just can’t imagine not being there for him.
As I type this, I am thinking about ways I can be a better person to make sure I don’t leave too soon.
It also makes me think about how much my dad has impacted my life. He is the one that got me into Monster Jam. He worked his tail off every day to make sure that my brother, sister, and I could have a good life. No, we aren’t rich. Just people who work hard and are rich with family and love.
I know he wont be here one day, and I’m not sure I could ever share with him how much he has meant to me.
I am going to text him as soon as I am done with this to tell him how much I love him.
For those who have lost their dads, don’t be surprised if he is watching every move you make and helping guide you.
Happy Father’s Day!
#TellThemNow and try not to tear up watching this.