8 Foods That Make You Look Younger According To Health.com

Flickr User U.S. Department of Agriculture
Flickr User U.S. Department of Agriculture

As we grow up, we can’t wait to be an adult. Then we become an adult and we spend a good amount of time trying to look and feel younger! If looking younger is your thing, you should make sure you are eating right!

According to health.com, there are 10 things you can eat to make you look younger. So, I grabbed the best 8 and put them here for you to check out and then make sure you include these items on your next shopping trip. Just leave booty off the list. Unless you are shopping with Jhene Aiko.

1. Watermelon. It has lycopene, which acts like a natural sunscreen and prevents UV damage. One serving is like putting on SPF 3.

Flickr User Kathy
Flickr User Kathy

2. Pomegranates. They have a ton of antioxidants that increase collagen production in your skin, to prevent wrinkles.

3. Blueberries. The vitamin C and vitamin E help brighten your skin.

4. Lobster and other shellfish. The zinc accelerates the renewal of skin cells, and it can help with acne.Flickr User Prayitno / Thank you for (7 millions +) views

Flickr User Prayitno / Thank you for (7 millions +) views

5. Kale. The vitamin K helps with blood clotting, which can prevent you from getting dark circles under your eyes. It also has a ton of iron, and if you don’t have enough iron in your diet, you start to look pale.

Flickr User Andrea.Pacheco
Flickr User Andrea.Pacheco

6. Cantaloupe. The vitamin A helps prevent your pores from getting clogged.

7. Avocados. The omega-9 fatty acids help your skin retain moisture and look young.

8. Walnuts. The omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin E help keep your hair looking healthy. They’re also loaded with copper, and researchers think that having a copper deficiency is one of the things that causes grey hair.

While all of these foods may not be on the top of your “Must Eat” lists, they are really good! And they are good for your appearance apparently.

Avocados, blueberries, and lobster are my top 3 on this list! Watermelon is delicious too. Especially as a treat during the summer.

Is there anything on the list that we missed? In the Health.com article, it also mentions coffee. But, we are talking about food. Sure do wish Pizza was on this list, because I would look like I am 2 years old if that were the case.

ORyan tha KANG!
