This is a long shot for sure. And I know, I don’t have an agent, and my name isn’t household. But please, take a moment to consider this (if you even read this).
My name is ORyan! I host the Morning Grind in Peoria. I’m a husband of 5 years now, and a father of two life changing boys. I also travel the country and host Monster Jam stadium events for FS1.
I recently picked up a 3rd job at a bar (Berlin) downtown Peoria to help pay for hospital bills. Our youngest boy Cash spent a week and a half in the NICU. He is good, but the bills are piling up. SO, daddy has to grind.
It’s a dream of mine to be on TV. And an even BIGGER dream to do something big in New York! I have hosted the Monster Jam at Metlife Stadium the last two years, and while in town I sit and stare out of my hotel window at the NY City skyline… wondering if I will ever get my shot to be someone who wakes up and gets to share his life with the world.
While I may not be Neil Patrick Harris (who is the coolest), I certainly have lots of personality and love in my heart! And I would love an opportunity to co-host with Kelly just one time before she finds her new, permanent host.
For one day Kelly, I will be the yin to your hosting yang. I will get you coffee and be the sidekick you need to show the world that anything is possible if you dream big and never give up!
As a father who wants his boys to change the world, I want them to see that life is filled with endless possibilities. If you put your heart and your mind into something that you want, you can do anything you want!
While I don’t get much time to watch the show, since I am on the air in Peoria, I can’t lie and say I watch every day. But I know that you are the cream of the morning show hosting crop! I play in Peoria and all over the country, so please consider having me be your co-host for one day! It would mean more to me at this time of my life than you will ever imagine. And it will inspire me to do even more for my community and the people I meet every day!
Good luck with your search and your continued success.
– ORyan