Chance. It’s Peoria’s 92.3!
Don’t tell anyone yet, but we have some tickets to giveaway for your show at U.S. Cellular Field with the biggest artists on the planet.
You know what would be awesome? If you made a trip down 55, hit 74, then stopped over to our studios to help us give them away!
We love your new music, and would love to celebrate the album along with your show! But we need the host of the party to help us out!!!
We see you have your fans tweeting us, but we would love for YOU to talk about your music and the biggest show of 2016!
What do you say? We will get you some of Peoria’s best food for making the trip, and you will get to hang with our host of the Morning Grind, ORyan! Plus, you can help us hook up your biggest fans with some tickets to the “Magnificent Coloring Day Festival!”
Hit us @Peorias923, @ORYANthaKANG, @Noahonair, and @WhoIsMarris!
Will Chance The Rapper #PlayInPeoria?
Hoping to hear from you soon!
Peoria’s 92.3