Bad Lip Reading Of 1st Presidential Debate Leaves Us Wanting More [VIDEO]

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These “Bad Lip Readings” are always hilarious! But this one, given the political climate, is the best yet!

And, with the 2nd debate happening recently, this couldn’t have come at a more perfect time. Because now, I want MORE. GIVE US MORE!

The only thing I don’t like about the debates is everyone on social media is just as awful as the politicians they complain about. Some people are sooooooo pious! Maybe, instead of acting like you are such a great person, you actually prove it by providing something thought provoking to the conversation. You know, something, forward thinking.

Come on social media, surprise me. Start a conversation that actually opens the doors to solutions! Or, you can act just like our politicians and name call, degrade, and look just as silly! I am a gambling man, so I will be on the latter!

Anywayyyyyyyyyyyyys! Click play and enjoy.

ORyan tha KANG!
