Want to see Ariana Grande in Chicago next month? Then listen to Peoria’s 92.3 starting on Monday, February 27th, for your first chances to get qualified!
Listen at 6:20, 7:20, and 8:20 to the Morning Grind for your cue to call 309-674-9292 to get qualified. We have additional chances to qualify at 12:20 with Noah, and 3:20 & 4:20 with Shadow. This will happen Monday thru Friday Feb. 27 – March 10th, with the giveaway on March 10th.
One lucky winner gets two tickets to see Ariana Grande in cocncert, hotel stay, and a pair of her #TotesAdorbs Brookstone Headphones!
Pick a friend to bring with you, and listen to Peoria’s 92.3 to WIN!