In today’s digital age, your spelling game needs to be on point. Why? Because there are jabronis who have nothing better to do than sit on social media and screen shot every little mistake you make. Why? Because they are apparently perfect.
For me, I can’t stand when people misspell “loser.” It’s not “looser.”
Their, there, and they’re are other misspellings that are pretty prevalent online.
Not sure how something is spelled? Google is my go to. And, they keep track of words each state types in “How Do You Spell….”
For Illinois, it’s “Appreciate.”
Wisconsin can’t spell “Wisconsin.”
Iowa can’t spell “Vacuum.”
Indiana can’t spell “Hallelujah.”
Georgia has trouble with “Gray.”
New Mexico can’t spell “Banana.”
Click here for the full list and double check your spelling (Covfefe) before you hit send!