2018 is here! Happy New Year!!!
And, congratulations on making it through 2017. It didn’t seem like it was ever going to end, but it did… and here we are now.
2018 is already look up though. And honestly, I think it could be the best year of our lives. Why?
Well, the Nigerian Prince who has been asking you to mail out money ever since email was a thing, he was arrested. Turns out, he wasn’t a prince… or Nigerian. He was actually a honky from Louisiana! I mean, if police can finally solve that case, then there is hope for the rest of us!
So, what are you going to do to make this year your best year yet? What resolutions have you set to better yourself moving into the new year?
For me?
First, put down my stupid phone and focus more on my family. Too many times a day I find myself looking at social media and not taking full advantage of the greatest gifts God has given to me. So, my goal this year is to stay off my phone!
Second. SAVE MONEY. How? Not sure yet.
Third. Exercise more consistently. If my zen isn’t right, I struggle at times. So, to stay focused and in my zen, taking care of my body is a major part of that. Working out is the first thing that gets pushed off my to do list when things get busy. So, I have to make this more of a priority.
Fourth… GET ON THE FALL SEASON DANCING WITH THE STARS! (this one is a personal one)
And the last thing I am going to focus on in 2018 is the next 5 to 10 years of my life. What will I be doing? Where will I be living? Will I be setting myself up for the next 10 years after that? I am going to do everything in my power this year to help paint the picture of what my families future will look like. So, I will put in a lot of hard work this year and do a lot of soul searching to figure out what direction my wolfpack and I are headed next.
What about you? What are your resolutions?
According to Patch.com, here are the top 10 2018 resolutions:
1. Eat better. 37% of people made it their New Year’s resolution.
2. Exercise more, 37%.
3. Spend less money, 37%.
4. Take better care of themselves, like getting more sleep, 24%.
5. Read more books, 18%.
6. Learn a new skill, 15%.
7. Get a new job, 14%.
8. Make new friends, 13%.
9. Get a new hobby, 13%.
10. Focus more on their appearance, 12%.
Now, I am not going to be a life coach and say a bunch of non-sense to make you think I have this life thing figured out. I don’t. And honestly, I am at a point in my life where the painting in front of me is a blank canvas… and I am a bit hesitant to plaster paint all over it.
I will say this though. If your goal is to be a better person OR achieve a goal, YOU have to do it. AND, be your biggest cheerleader when things seem down. Don’t give up on yourself and make 2018 the year you turn things around.
“If you work hard, and are nice to people, good things will happen to you!” Conan O’Brien.