GOOD LAWD THAT’S A LOT OF MONEY! Almost a BILLION dollars is on the line tomorrow for the Illinois Lottery Mega Millions Jackpot.
This is unreal! Think about it… What you could do with all of that money! How your life would change, going from stressing about money to stressing about where you want to visit next! It would be unbelievable.
My goal in life is to be able to go about my day without every having to think about my bank account. I have a ways to go, but one can dream. And this jackpot could make that possible!
So, what would I buy?
A monster truck! Actually, like 10 probably. They are about $250,000 brand new. So, I will have a few when I wreck one. OH, and Monster Jam is in Peoria this weekend. Don’t miss it.

I would take a cruise around the world! I would take 146 days of my life to see the world and experience food and cultures in every city we stopped at. And, I would laugh at the price tag.

And, I am pretty sure I would fall in love with an island somewhere on the earth and buy it… because why not?! PLUS, no one can bother you and ask you for money if they can’t find you!

Something else that has my interest is going to the moon! And Elon Musk is making that happen. Right now, you just travel around the moon, but one day we will be able to run and jump around on that big rock in the night sky! Seeing the earth from a different perspective will give you a different out look on how lucky and little we really are to be alive. It is something I want to do before I leave the earth.

Of course… I would take care of my parents and close family members. And my wife and boys would go everywhere with me. And I would give back to Best Buddies, Jamieson School, Make-A-Wish, and America’s Gold Star Families. I would absolutely support the people who have supported me and been good to me.
But mostly, I would blow it. Absolutely. HELL YEAH I would. YOLO.
So, what would YOU spend it on? Here are a list of things you shouldn’t do if you win. But, you’ll be rich. So, who cares what anyone has to say.
– ORyan