Stuff-A-Bus is BACK and ready to put an end to hunger in central Illinois!
For 31 years, CityLink has been giving back to the community by helping keep the shelves at the Peoria Friendship House of Christian Service stocked to make sure Peoria doesn’t go hungry.
And now more than ever, we need your help stuffing that CityLink bus!
Along with our TV friends at WMBD-31 and WYZZ, we are teaming up with businesses all around central Illinois to help stuff that bus AND provide convenient drop off locations.
So, look for a donation box at these businesses:
- Fix My Gadget (Peoria, East Peoria, and Pekin Locations)
- Susan G. Komen Affiliate in Peoria
- First Baptist Church in Peoria
- West Peoria City Hall
- City of Peoria Public Works Department
- Dozer Park
- Peoria Mustangs
- Kroger (Peoria and East Peoria locations)
- WMBD-31/WYZZ studios
- Cumulus Radioplex Downtown Peoria
Not only can you stop by one of these locations, but we will also have a “Day of Stuffing” coming up in a few weeks where YOU can join us at Kroger on Lake Street in Peoria from 6a-6p to help us stuff a CityLink bus full of food!
Every little bit helps! So, when thinking about all of the food you and your family are going to eat this holiday season, also think about making a donation to help feed central Illinois and make sure no one goes hungry this winter!
The food drive will officially kickoff on Thursday, October 25 and it will conclude on Tuesday, December 4. The goal this year is to collect 11 tons of food. Donations can be purchased or dropped off at all Kroger store locations in Peoria and East Peoria.
For the most up-to-date information on the food drive, please visit and like the official Stuff-A-Bus Facebook page at www.facebook.com/stuffabuspeoria. If you would like to get involved in this year’s food drive, please contact Emily Watson at [email protected].