I too, have been known for spending too much time on Tik Tok, so I took a break a few months back, but a school in North Carolina had to take drastic action to stop kids from spending all day in the bathroom making TikTok videos. Teachers at Southern Middle School in Graham, North Carolina noticed kids were asking to use the bathroom up to NINE times a day, and taking way longer than necessary.
Administrators fixed the problem, by removing all of the bathroom MIRRORS. Not the worst idea, unless your in need of always making sure you’re looking faaaaaabulous (guilty)
Kids were using the mirrors to film their videos. Since the mirrors are now gone, students are already taking fewer bathroom breaks and getting back to class a lot quicker.
One parent on Facebook had an idea, she said maybe they should put the mirrors back up and ban phones instead. But another parent clarified that phones AREN’T allowed out during school. Kids just can’t seem to follow that rule. So relax Karen…for now anyway!
The whole thing seems to be working, and everyone is happy, except them kiiiids!