Is He Creepy Or Creative? And More From Brian & The Morning Grind!

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Creepy Or Creative

Would this creep you out?  A woman posted this on TikTok as she walks through an airport terminal.  (She advises people to turn their tags inside out for privacy.) Her name is Kirsten and she posts a lot of content that gets thousands of views, so many people believe she’s making it up.

He Wrecked His Car, Bro!

20-year-old influencer Jack Doherty crashed his new $200,000 sports car near Miami and was livestreaming at the time.  His friend Michael was the one filming from the passenger seat.  It shows Jack checking his phone while doing 70 MPH in his McLaren in the rain.  They hit a barricade, and the car was totaled. There’s footage of the crash and then of random people pulling them from the car.

Of Note:  He and his friend never stopped recording.  Jack looks directly into the camera while people are pulling him out.  He doesn’t thank any of them, only thinking about his car.  Michael had blood streaming down his face, but Jack hands him a phone and says “film on that one, too.”  Later he directs someone else to “make it look good”.

Jack could face charges for distracted driving.  His 21st birthday is tomorrow.  The streaming site Kick banned him.

Wanna Live The American Dream?

Has the “American dream” changed?  And does this fit YOUR definition of what it is? An annual study by Investopedia found you now need to earn more than $4.4 MILLION in your life to achieve the “American dream.”  If you work from 18 to 65, that’s an AVERAGE of around $100,000 a year, which is way more than most people make.  But they say it’s achievable for couples with two incomes. It all depends on what your definition of the American dream is though. Here are the things they factored in to get $4.4 million.

1.  Retirement:  $1.6 million saved to retire comfortably.

2.  Owning a home:  $930,000 over the course of your life.

3.  Raising two kids:  $832,000.

4.  Owning new cars:  $811,000.  Not just any car, but NEW ones.

5.  Annual vacations:  $179,000.  But not everyone vacations every year.

6.  A big wedding:  $44,000.

7.  Having pets:  $37,000.

8.  Paying for your own funeral:  $8,500.

A Dirty New Health Trend

The latest health advice from TikTok is to start eating DIRT.  (???)  There’s even a term for people who do it . . . “crunchers.” They claim it can help with everything under the sun, from improving gut health to reducing wrinkles and curing acne.  The idea is it’s loaded with all kinds of minerals that are good for you.  But experts say it could be dangerous. First off, don’t just scoop some dirt out of your yard and chow down . . . that would be nuts.  Normal dirt is often loaded with chemicals, rocks, and rusty nails.  So you need to buy SPECIAL dirt called “biodynamic soil.” Most crunchers prefer it in the form of edible chunks of clay though.  (Here’s a video.)  Sites that sell it use flowery language, like saying it has a “medium hard crunch” and a “pleasant earthy taste.” 

Hannah Montana Ruined The Family

According to a new book, Billy Ray Cyrus was miserable doing “Hannah Montana”, and he only stuck it out for Miley.  He ultimately felt like the show destroyed his family.

Best Fast Food, But Then the Bad

There’s a new analysis out on the MOST UNHEALTHY menu items at fast-food chains.  They compared products across 24 chains . . . looking at calories, sugar, saturated fat, and sodium.

Then they gave each one an “unhealthiness score.”  Here are the least healthy, and healthiest, version of each item . . .

1.  Five Guys had the unhealthiest cheeseburger, followed by Whataburger and Smash Burger.

Of the 16 places with a qualifying cheeseburger, Culver’s was the LEAST UNHEALTHY . . . (or “healthiest,” if you will) . . . followed by McDonald’s and Burger King.

2.  Popeyes had the unhealthiest chicken sandwich . . . followed by Fatburger and Zaxby’s.

Of the 20 places with a chicken sandwich, the McChicken at McDonald’s was the least unhealthy, followed by Dairy Queen and Culver’s.

3.  Popeyes also had the unhealthiest chicken nuggets, followed by Arby’s and Shake Shack.

Of the nine places with nuggets, the McDonald’s ones were the least unhealthy, followed by KFC and Wendy’s.

4.  Five Guys had the unhealthiest French fries, followed by Steak ‘n Shake and Bojangles.

Of the 23 places with fries, In-N-Out had the least unhealthy ones, followed by McDonald’s and Church’s Chicken.

5.  Fatburger had the unhealthiest vanilla shake, followed by Sonic and Five Guys.

Of the 14 places with a shake, McDonald’s had the least unhealthy one, followed by Smash Burger and Arby’s.

Decorations Up So Early?

I was gonna spend my money on those big Halloween animatronics at Lowes at get them up this weekend, but her reason for putting up Halloween decorations a month early is WAY better. Despite her neighbors are upset… A homeowner in Ohio says she has received complaints from community members for putting up her SUPER ELABORATE Halloween display earlier than usual this year.  She put it up about a month ago.  Here is Marianne Peters explaining why she put it up so early, her husbands cancer treatments!

Will Ferrell Hits Peoria

Y’all remember when Will Ferrell was in Peoria singing karaoke at @Basket Case? finally, here’s the documentary coming to Netflix!

Bad Day Ahead?

According to a new survey, the average person knows if their day has been RUINED by 8:36 A.M.  And on average, we have four “bad days” per month, which is 48 per year. Heres how do you know if a bad day is coming….

1.  Waking up and feeling sick . . . 35%

2.  Sleeping poorly throughout the night . . . 31%

3.  Waking up with a headache . . . 29%

4.  Losing your keys . . . 26%

5.  Forgetting your phone at home . . . 25%

6.  Running out of toilet paper . . . 22%

7.  Forgetting your wallet at home . . . 22%

8.  Sleeping though your alarm . . . 19%

9.  Realizing you forgot to plug in your phone the night before . . . 18%

10.  Stubbing your toe . . . 17%.

The Fall Of Pumpkin Spice

Is America’s love affair with pumpkin spice drawing to a close?  No, it’s still beloved.  But not by as many as it used to be. The first day of fall is still over a month out.  (September 22nd)  But an early poll for it found 58% of Americans think pumpkin spice is NOT the best fall flavor.

Congrats, Your Not Really Fired, But You Gotta Go

Companies are so passive aggressive now. A poll by the site Resume Builder found 38% of companies lay people off instead of firing them . . . just to avoid hurting people’s FEELINGS. 80% of bosses said their company has laid someone off in the past year when they could have fired them for cause. Sometimes it’s out of kindness, like to avoid hurt feelings or help out with severance.  But the #1 reason they do it is more self-serving .

1.  To maintain company morale.  62% of bosses cited it as a reason.  So, we react better if we think our friend got laid off because the money just wasn’t there.

2.  To avoid wrongful termination lawsuits.  A close second at 59%.

3.  To help the person out with a severance package, 54%.  So, that one’s nice.

4.  To avoid hurting their feelings, 38%.  The old line, “You know I think you’re great.  Corporate just gave me no choice.”

According to the poll, layoffs that aren’t REALLY layoffs are more common than you’d think.  Half of the bosses polled said at least 75% of layoffs their company made in the past year weren’t really about cutting costs.

Rhino Piercings- Would You??

Painful “rhino piercings” are trending on social media.  That’s a vertical piercing placed through the center tip of the nose.  TikToker @DJRawBase is no stranger to piercings and he talks about why the rhino piercing is so infamous.
