Meghan Trainor. You either love her or you hate and she’s been in the news a lot this week. First she took the new music video for her song “Me Too” off of YouTube due to unapproved photoshopping. She took to snapchat to comment on the incident and said,
“My waist is not that teenie. I had a bomb waist that night. I don’t know why they didn’t like my waist, but, uh, I didn’t approve that video and it went out for the world, so I’m embarrassed.”
Personally I think she did the right thing. Her message has always been to love your body and her not speaking out against the photoshopping would have been hypocritical. After all of that she went on Late Night with Jimmy to perform her new song and she fell, hard. At the very end of her performance she turned around and caught her heel at the wrong angle and went crashing to the ground (and took the mike stand with her). It was funny but what happened next was even funnier Jimmy came and laid down next while her band is just standing their clapping cause they have no idea what to do. Check out the video below (the action starts around the 3:30 mark).
-Intern Meg